Nord Stage 3
Michael Bereal Sound Bank
Signature Sound Bank crafted by the legendary gospel keyboardist and producer, Michael Bereal, featuring electric and acoustic pianos, layers, synth brass, and analog synths. Twenty-five distinctive patches based on the Nord Stage 3 factory sounds.

The signature sound bank incorporates Michael's custom Acoustic and Electric Pianos, Layers, Synth Brass, Analog Synths and much more. A unique patch collection from one of the finest musicians in gospel music!
"If you want to have fun and if you want to create a vibe like no other check out my signature sound bank for the Nord Stage 3!"
- If you have the original Factory Bank in your Nord Stage 3, you only need to: Download the Program Files
- Make sure you are using the latest version of Nord Sound Manager.
- Connect the Nord Stage 3 to your computer with a USB cable.
- In Nord Sound Manager select the Program tab and select an empty bank from the Bank dropdown menu.
- If using the Program file: Unzip the Michael Bereal Signature Sound Bank file and drag the folder onto the Program area of the Nord Sound Manager.
If using the Bundle file: Drag the Michael Bereal Signature Sound Bank Bundle.ns3fb file onto the Program area. Optionally use the Sound Down/Bundle Down icon of the Nord Sound Manager toolbar and browse to the folder or bundle in the dialog.