Mellotron Master Tapes - Artist Collection

In the abandoned Mellotron storage facility in Birmingham, a number of extremely rare tapes were discovered. These sounds were custom made for bands like Roxy Music, Yes, Jack Bruce, Genesis, Tangerine Dream and Black Sabbath specially created for use on stage, covering both leads and sound effects.

Mellotron Artist Collection

Bruce Fr Horn Mellotron M400

Bruce Viola Mellotron M400

Bruce Voice1 Mellotron M400

Bruce Voice2 Mellotron M400

BSabbath Choir Mellotron M400

BSabbath Orchestra Mellotron M400

BSabbath SFX Mellotron M400

Bruce Cello Mellotron M400

Hackett Vox Mellotron M400

Roxy SFX Mellotron M400

Tangerine SFX1 Mellotron M400

Tangerine SFX2 Mellotron M400

Tangerine SFX3 Mellotron M400

Tangerine SFX4 Mellotron M400

Yes 2 Violins Mellotron M400

Yes SFX2 Mellotron M400

Yes SFX3 Mellotron M400

Yes ArpViolins Mellotron M400

Yes SFX1 Mellotron M400

Demo video

Check out Erik "Errka" Petersson having fun with sounds from the Mellotron Master Tapes (including Mellotron Artist Collection, Leads Collection and Rhythm Fills).