Mellotron Master Tapes - Rhythm Fills Collection

The Mellotron Rhythms and Fills produce charming sounds that are sure to bring a smile to your face. The Mellotron Rhythms and Fills were originally designed to allow anyone to sound like a professional musician with minimal effort. With the press of a single key, you can have an entire old-school rhythm section playing in your living room. Each rhythm comes with matching fills, such as strings, brass, and harps, that blend seamlessly with the accompaniment.

Mellotron RhythmFills Collection

Accordion UL Mellotron MkII

AfroCuban Organ UL Mellotron MKI

AfroCuban SlowPiano UL Mellotron MkII

ChaCha SwFlutes UL Mellotron MKI

ChaCha SwFlutes1 UL Mellotron MkII

Bolero Clarinets UL Mellotron MKI

Bolero WoodwBrass UL Mellotron MkII

Bossa MovStrBass Mellotron MKI

Bossa MovstrBass UL Mellotron MkII

Dixie Trombone UL Mellotron MkII

Dixie TromboneMel UL Mellotron MKI

FastJazzBass SFX2 UL Mellotron MKI

Foxtrot SwFlutes2 UL Mellotron MKI

Foxtrot SwSaxes UL Mellotron MkII

Foxtrot2 MovPiano UL Mellotron MKI

JazzFox Piano UL Mellotron MKI

Rumba Guitar UL Mellotron MKI

Rumba Guitar UL Mellotron MkII

Samba ElOrgan UL Mellotron MKI

SambaOrgan 6-8 UL Mellotron MkII

SloJazzBassPi Movstr UL Mellotron MkII

SlowFox TremOrgan UL Mellotron MkII

SlowFox Woodwinds UL Mellotron MKI

SlowJazzBass UL Mellotron MkII

SlowWaltz Celeste UL Mellotron MKI

SlowWaltz Guitar UL Mellotron MkII

VibratoOrgan UL Mellotron MkII

VienWaltz Accord UL Mellotron MkII

VienWaltz Marimba Mellotron MKI

Demo video

Check out Erik "Errka" Petersson having fun with sounds from the Mellotron Master Tapes (including Mellotron Artist Collection, Leads Collection and Rhythm Fills).