Nord Sound Manager - Update History

v9.12 (2025-03-17)

  • Fixed issue where bundle uploads would not work as expected on Mac

v9.10 (2025-03-13)

Program Conversion

  • Nord Stage 3 programs can now be converted to Nord Stage 4 format (.ns4p)
  • Nord Piano 5 and Nord Grand 2 programs can now be converted to Nord Piano 6 format (.np6p)
  • Programs can be converted on their own, or as part of a bundle
  • Conversion is performed automatically as part of a Sound/Bundle Down or drag and drop operation
  • Pianos are mapped to same piano model on instrument if it exists, regardless of size or version
  • Samples can be downloaded using Program Restore function after conversion (see below) or manually relinked
  • A browser based conversion log displays any issues that may have occurred during conversion, for instance inability to map certain Synth parameters
  • If Programs have missing Samples/Pianos a dialog for automatic Program Restore is presented after conversion, or content can be relinked manually

Program Restore functionality

  • Programs that lack dependencies, i.e. have missing Pianos or Samples can be Restored automatically
  • The Restore option is available upon right-clicking on a Program
  • Missing Samples or Pianos are downloaded from the Nord Sound Library, or from the local cache
  • If there is not enough memory for the required content on the instrument, an “Auto Delete List” can be generated with suggestions for Pianos/Samples to remove
  • The Auto Delete List prioritizes content for removal according to a set of rules, including to what extent a file is being used, its category, size, whether it is a User sample and more
  • Accepting the Auto Delete removes suggested content and completes the Restore operation

Partial Bundle Download

  • If there is not memory on the instrument to download all Pianos/Samples included in the bundle, the option to download Programs Only is now available
  • Programs with missing dependencies can be resolved using Restore, and manual management of Pianos/Samples

Bundle Download with Auto Delete

  • As with the Program Restore operation, the Auto Delete function can be used when downloading a bundle, if there is not enough memory for the included Pianos/Samples

Program Selection hint in Piano/Samp Lib tabs

  • Pianos and Samples that are used by currently selected Programs in the Program tab are marked with “Included in current Program Selection”
  • This is useful when determining which Pianos/Samples can be deleted or substituted, without affecting a specific set of Programs

Other updates and fixes

  • Added support for Nord Piano 6 and Nord Organ 3
  • Improved behaviour of dropdown menus on Mac

V9.04 (2025-02-26)

  • Fixed bug where application could crash on Mac, if computer was offline

V9.02 (2024-10-03)

  • Instrument drop-down with no instrument connected was sometimes not populated. Fixed
  • Program numbering was incorrect for Nord Stage 3, since OS v2.64. Fixed
  • In Sound Library menu, Transfer and Substitute options are now unavailable with no instrument connected
  • Fixed issue where application could crash upon entering Sound Library very quickly after launching app
  • Fixed issue where creation of temporary folder for download of Sound Library metadata file would sometimes not work as intended

V9.00 (2024-07-04)

  • Introduced Sound Library feature which provides connection to online sound libraries (Pianos and Samples) from within the application. This allows download of sounds to the computer file cache, for offline access, as well as to the connected instrument.
  • See the Quick Guide for further information on how to use the Sound Library feature.
  • Added feature for automatically checking for new OS versions for connected instrument, and for the Nord Sound Manager application.
  • Updates and improvements to user interface
  • Various fixes and improvements

v8.00 (2024-04-11)

  • Windows: Nord Sound Manager now uses a revised installer which installs the latest version of both the v3.x and v4.x Clavia/Nord Keyboards USB drivers. The latter (v4) is required for compatibility with Nord Grand 2. The installer also checks the latest installed version of the Nord Sample Editor and will inform if it needs to be updated for compatibility with the v4.x Nord Keyboards Driver.
  • Fixed issue where dragging multiple files in Organize mode could cause the application to crash, under certain circumstances

v7.84 (2024-01-16)

  • Fixed issue where underlying framework changes caused instabilities on certain Mac OS versions

v7.82 (2023-12-21)

  • Support for Program/Preset names using parentheses for duplicates, on Nord Stage 4
  • Now possible to convert samples from the Nord Sample Library 3.0 (.nsmp3) for use in Nord Piano 5 or Nord Stage 4
  • Now possible to convert any user created sample (.nsmp, .nsmp3) for use in Nord Piano 5 and Nord Stage 4
  • Updates to application framework

v7.74 (2023-06-05)

  • Attempting to Rename content with too long name would cause an error. Fixed

v7.74 (2023-06-05)

  • Attempting to Rename content with too long name would cause an error. Fixed

v7.72 (2023-05-31)

  • Added support for Nord Stage 4 v1.04 categories

v7.70 (2023-02-22)

  • Added support for Nord Stage 4

v7.66 (2021-11-16)

  • Restore procedure is now more robust (renames file duplicates in archive before restore)

v7.64 (2021-10-04)

  • Fixed bug introduced with v7.62 where attempting a Bundle upload could cause application to shut down, under certain circumstances

v7.62 (2021-09-14)

  • Fixed bug where certain warning messages were unnecessarily prompted on Mac OS version

v7.60 (2021-08-13)

  • Mac OS app is now notarized by Apple
  • Fixed bug where conversion to .nsmp3 format did not work as expected for Nord Wave 2
  • Fixed bug where conversion of multiple .nsmp files could cause application to shut down
  • User created .nsmp files can now be converted to .nsmp4 format for use on Nord Piano 5
  • Added support for Mac OS dark mode

v7.56 (2021-05-10)

  • Added support for Nord Piano 5

v7.54 (2020-03-04)

  • Support for Nord Wave 2
  • Updates to reflect sample category changes
  • Note: On OS X 10.15 Catalina - when first launching the app, ctrl-click the Nord Sound Manager icon and select Open from the context menu.

v7.52 (2019-10-12)

  • Fixed bug where identical Samples could be re-transferred during backup/restore (time stamps difference) 
  • Mac OS binary is 64-bit for compatibility with 10.15 Catalina
  • Retina / HiDPI support
  • Note: On OS X 10.15 Catalina - when first launching the app, ctrl-click the Nord Sound Manager icon and select Open from the context menu.

v7.46 (2019-08-13)

  • Downloading a program with name already existing on instrument cause that program to be overwritten (applies to Lead A1, Lead 4, Nord Stage 2 and other legacy instruments). Fixed.

v7.44 (2019-06-05)

  • Added support for Nord Grand.

v7.42 (2019-02-12)

  • Added support for downloading version 6 .npno (piano) files to Nord Stage 2, Nord Stage 2 EX, Nord Electro 5 and Nord Piano 3.

v7.40 (2018-12-18)

  • Added support for version 6 .npno (piano) files
  • Fixed bug where cancelling a Song Bundle upload was not possible.

v7.32 (2018-05-28)

  • Program bundles on the Nord Stage 3 are now limited to containing one bank of (25) programs.
  • Fixed bug where toolbar icons on Mac were not clickable in the transparent parts.
  • Time stamp comparison when using restore or bundle files was under some circumstances incorrect, leading to unnecessary download/replacement of samples. Fixed. 

v7.30 (2018-04-11)

  • Fixes a bug where Nord Stage 3 program/song bundles created with older OS versions could not be downloaded after upgrade to version 1.40.

v7.28 (2018-02-15)

  • Support for new Nord Stage 3 bank size introduced with Nord Stage 3 OS v1.40
  • Electro 6 now fully supported

v7.22 (2018-02-15)

  • Sample conversion from .nsmp to .nsmp3 performed on the fly when required
  • Electro 6 added to supported products
  • Minor bug fixes

v7.12 (2017-11-16)

  • Nord Stage 3: Names are now compared non-case sensitive when checking if a file name exists during Rename operations

v7.10 (2017-10-18)

  • Added support for Nord Stage 3 OS v1.22

v7.06 (2017-08-31)

  • Fixed bug where file cache would be disabled (with Nord Stage 3) when Sound Manager was freshly installed. Nord Stage 3 users, please verify that your cache is enabled by checking Edit -> Preferences -> Enable File Cache
  • Fixed bug where Sound Manager could crash when used with Stage Classic and Nord Piano (first generation)
  • Enabled program categories for Nord Stage 3

v7.02 (2017-07-04)

  • Added support for Nord Stage 3
  • Added File Cache feature (only supported by Nord Stage 3 currently) which greatly improves performance for Upload and Backup operations
  • Fixed bug where downloading many files at once, could cause problems on Mac
  • Various bug fixes and stability improvements

v6.90 (2017-01-24)

  • Added support for Stage 2, Stage 2 EX with increased Piano bank size and where Wurlitzers moved to E.Piano 1 bank (introduced with NS2/NS2EX OS v2.20)
  • Fixed bug where creating a Backup to an existing archive could fail in some cases
  • Fixed bug where "Bank Download" could assign a download a faulty location, causing a Piano to end up in the wrong bank, or temporary UI-errors in Sound Manager file list
  • Fixed bug where downloading a Synth Piano to Nord Stage EX would result in an error message in Sound Manager

v6.86 (2016-06-22)

  • Added support for Nord Piano 3

v6.84 (2016-01-21)

  • Added fix to accept certain old Sample files with "Undefined" versions, that were included in old Factory Restore archives

v6.82 (2016-01-08)

  • Fixed bug introduced with v6.80 that could cause Restore operations to fail, for large backup archives

v6.80 (2015-12-15)

  • Nord Electro 5 Set List partition and Song Bundles are now supported (requires Nord Electro 5 OS v1.28 or higher)
  • NSMP files are checked prior to download whether the OS supports the files, just like for NPNO files
  • Info pane state is now remembered when app is exited
  • More detailed icons in dialogs and Info-pane
  • Various bug fixes and optimizations

v6.74 (2015-08-19)

  • Fixed bug where moving several programs with empty locations in between, could overwrite existing programs under some circumstances. Thanks to Simon D for reporting!

v6.72 (2015-06-23)

  • Fixed a bug where the middle part of the filename was not shown in the Sound Manager list view.

v6.70 (2015-06-12)

  • New icons and graphics
  • Various bugfixes and dialog text changes
  • Clarified "Are you sure" message for delete
  • Fixed clipped Info pane for some long piano/sample names on OSX

v6.60 (2015-04-28)

  • Supporting Electro 5
  • Supporting Stage 2 EX
  • Samplib file names are now split name into name column and one info column for clarity
  • Samplib category column added, for OS-versions that support it
  • Improved handling of organizing on Electro 5, when connected to Sound Manager
  • Sound Manager now shows a warning if files containing unicode characters are trying to be downloaded

v6.52 (2014-09-03)

  • Fixed bug where uploading of unlinked program bundles caused the program to crash 

v6.50 (2014-06-23)

  • "Replace" command has been renamed to "Substitute"
  • New sound upload/download dialog
  • Fixed bug where Sound Manager would sometimes crash if several files that already existed where attempted to be downloaded
  • Files dropped to the Sound Manager UI will now automatically switch to the partition they belong to
  • Some User Interface optimizations

v6.40 (2014-03-20)

  • Added support for Nord Lead A1
  • Fixed bug on OSX where starting the Nord Sound Manager would disrupt USB MIDI communication with a Nord product

v6.32 (2013-06-18)

  • Fixed an issue where renaming a program in certain units could crash the application.

v6.30 (2013-06-12)

  • Fixed an issue in the 6.28 version that erroneously renamed pianos, by replacing the dot in the version number (e.g. 5.x) with a hyphen. Many thanks to Peter in the Netherlands who reported this to us!

v6.28 (2013-06-11)

  • First version to be compatible with the Nord Lead 4.
  • Fixed an issue where files with illegal characters (downloaded files with %20 that represent spaces for instance) in their name could be downloaded to the unit, and then becoming invisible in the unit. Such illegal characters will now be replaced in the units.

v6.26 (2012-09-28)

  • Added support for the Nord Electro 4 HP.

v6.18 (2012-06-05)

  • Fixed a Replace Bug.


  • Added support for the Nord Electro 4D. Only for production.

v6.14 (2012-05-04)

  • Fixed a bug in the 6.12 version that could lead to missing files and incorrect order of files in the Piano or Samp Lib partitions if the memory of the unit was restored with a Sound Manager backup file.

v6.12 (2012-04-25)

Introducing the Dependencies features for the Nord Stage 2 OS v1.60:

  • Info - see which pianos and samples the programs use and vice versa.
  • Replace - replace a sound and automatically make programs use that new sound instead.
  • Relink - make one or several programs use another piano or sample.
  • Bundles - save and load programs and all the sounds they depend on as single files. Only pianos and/or samples not already present in the unit will be re-loaded when a bundle is downloaded again to the unit.
  • Export Sound Lists - present the memory content as comprehensive lists.
  • It is not possible to show details of the content of a backup file before a Restore process is initiated.
  • Automatic conversion of Program file format when used with Nord Stage 2 OS v1.6x.
  • Changed the appearance of the memory indicator and progress bar at the footer area.


  • First Sound Manager version to support the Nord C2D. Only for production.

6.00 (2012-02-22)

  • First release with Dependencies features, for the Nord Piano 2.

v5.58 (2011-04-14)

  • Added support for the Nord Electro 3 HP (v3.00 or later)

v5.48 (2011-02-23)

  • Added support for the Nord Stage 2 (v1.00 or later)
  • Changed appearance of progress bar

v5.42 (2010-10-25)

  • Added download queue functionality.
  • Changed appearance of the progress bar.
  • Added Time Remaining estimate in Footer area.

v5.30 (2010-06-09)

  • Fixed a bug in the Mac OS X version that could cause corrupted files and/or memory partitions in the Nord unit if files were downloaded from a hard drive folder that had non-standard characters in its name.
  • Fixed a bug that could repeat the presentation of a previous error message when an operation was cancelled.

v5.28 (2010-05-18)

  • The Windows installer now checks if USB Driver v3.00 is installed and replaces any older driver if necessary.
  • Clavinet is now handled correctly for Stage Classic 4.12 and Stage EX 5.10 (and newer versions).
  • Sleep: Windows version now prevents computer from entering sleep mode while working with instrument (upload/download/backup/etc).
  • Sleep: OS X now handled in such a manner that the instrument is "disconnected" and "reconnected" and sleep/wakeup.
  • Backup/Restore can now be cancelled.
  • Added support for NPNO v5 files.
  • Windows Installer no longer asks when registering file types.
  • Electro 3 program partition now has the dual view option enabled.
  • Some errors related to user actions are now shown in a popup dialog instead of only in the status bar for clarity.